Identify what is most important )0( Eliminate everything else
The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. Dr. Paul Farmer
The suffering of others is not alleviated when no one knows about it.
There is no one right way to live. Daniel Quinn Ishmael
The only thing that you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right sort of people.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut

Sunday, January 5, 2014


It is cold.  Too cold to sleep without antihistamines or a refreshing adult beverage, neither of which are available here.  The furnace is doing its best, although Mother Nature is doing her best to defeat the poor little cold-defeater.  Only one of the heating vents sends up warm air.  It is right here, next to the desk, which is one of the reasons I am still up.  Even night owls like to be all toasty.

There has been one of those ticker tape things running along the bottom of the television screen whenever I have had it on yesterday and today.    It is sharing that just about everything that children and the elderly might conceivably attend this week.

Schools in five counties. After school programs.  Community programs and events.  All that stuff.

The expected high for tomorrow is minus-11F.  Woo.  Heat wave.

I went to work yesterday and cancelled my weekend with family because I still feel too ill to travel such a long way in the snowing and bitter cold.  I disappointed her again, but I get to say no and stay home if I need to.  None of us is going anywhere...big picture we can get together in a few weeks.

I have to get some sleep.  I will be darned if I am going to cycle into insomnia again.  Good is that I have lost some weight, slightly lower in the old tonnage during these past couple of weeks.  My intention is to hang on the this lovely and decreased appetite when I begin to feel better.  Oh, gosh, just tossed a yawn, so off to bed before it wears off.


  1. J, sleep tight! It's funny because we can't sleep over here in Queensland Australia because of the heatwave conditions we are in at the moment. I hope it warms up for you real soon and that you start to feel a little better. I would love to send you over some of our sun to warm you up.

  2. I was thinking of your heat when I was writing that.

    I finally got to sleep and just got up. Warmed up the computer and turned on the television. There is a press conference on the TV, with the officials from the big city near to me about the cold, power outages, and for those without power or who are inadequately housed and those who are homeless, stating all of the resources and places to go.

    The furnace is still working here, so it is time for me to stop feeling all complain-y. Bib girl pantie time.

  3. Stay warm!! I hope you feel better soon :)
