Identify what is most important )0( Eliminate everything else
The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. Dr. Paul Farmer
The suffering of others is not alleviated when no one knows about it.
There is no one right way to live. Daniel Quinn Ishmael
The only thing that you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right sort of people.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I felt fine after yesterday's slip and slide, or more properly, slip and thud.

My thighs hurt, as do my upper arms.  Really, who would have thought that there were muscles in there somewhere.  My neck feels wrenched.  My knees ache.  I am a mess.

I decided to make the best of this and have decided to really and truly get fit.  I am, at this point, willing to settle for even something remotely connected to fit.  I got the shoes, have access to a free Y membership, and if they will let me wear my regular clothing in the place, I am set to go.  Lordy.

Oh, god, choices. 

In the spirit of eating well, I was able to leave work early and came home to make something with the ground beef, that big log-shaped thing from the discount market.  I had a bag of poblano peppers.  I really prefer to just roast the peppers and eat them, but made a nice meat mix, filled the peppers and made a slab of meat loaf with the leftover meat.

Easy, too.  Ground beef, canned diced tomatoes (with the juice), a jar of jalapeno slices (all chopped up), a bunch of eggs, pepper and some grated sharp cheddar.  Oh, geez, a recipe!

Anyway, it turned out really yummy, and I have enough left for six more meals.  Yay.

Off to take my meds, some aspirin and some antihistamine. 

More of my good book and snuggles from CoolCat. 

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't seem all that long ago when you could trip or take a fall and have the ability to save yourself in a young and athletic manner! Pffrt! Don't 'appen now duz it!! Feck!
