the PS certification exam for the national thing.
My plan, if I had received a passing score, was to drive to the big city where the application for the state level certification exam needed to be sent. There is not time to do that now. So, I called those folk last week to determine what could be done without verifying information from the national training guys. Got what I needed, which was permission to drive up there, need be.
Being the obsessive control-focal person that I am, I called that office this afternoon, minutes after receiving the great news e-mail.
Apparently, I am not the only person to call them, and I now have permission to mail everything out today, and today's postmark will be accepted as meeting the deadline, instead of the information I received last week that their office had to receive it by Wednesday, before 4:00 p.m.
It is wonderful that this state agency is willing to help us, the recently-trained, to meet those very strict deadlines in a way that accommodates the kind of scary delay of our exam results. It is comforting to know that I will be working and aligned with an agency that holds true to its original intent. I like that so much.
Off to mail my stuff and find a big rug or pad to go under my desk chair. The present one was old when I moved here last year, and I do not want to mar these lovely wood floors. A few no-fuss groceries, something that can do for lunch at work and home to do more organizing. It is already looking like the shelter will be receiving a lot of stuff for their children's program. I like that, too. Yay.
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